` Windows Key hotkey shortcuts (Dave Schwartz) - Icetips Article
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Windows Operating Systems: Windows Key hotkey shortcuts
2003-08-11 -- Dave Schwartz
Newsgroups: topspeed.topic.general So, in today's WinXP News, I get the answer to my own question. "Windows Key + E - Open the My Computer window" and it opens in folder mode! Here was the actual text: Having Fun with the Windows Logo Key Todd Green wrote and reminded us that you can use the Windows Key + L combination to lock your Windows XP computer. He also sent in these other cool Windows Key combinations that can speed up your work: a.. Windows Key - Display or hide the Start menu b.. Windows Key + Break - Display the System Properties window c.. Windows Key + M - Minimize all windows d.. Windows Key + E - Open the My Computer window e.. Windows Key + F - Open the Find Files or Folders window f.. Windows Key + F1 - Open Windows Help g.. Windows Key + R - Open the "Run" dialog Dave Schwartz

Additonal Windows Keys
2003-10-01 � Bill Weaver
Here are some additional Windows Keys:

Windows Key + D   Display desktop, redisplay all windows
                  (Windows Key + M only minimizes all windows)
Windows Key + U   Display Utility Manager window, ie User assistance
                  options (magnifier, speech text, on-screen

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