` Constructing Interfaces 2 (Andy Ireland) - Icetips Article
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COM: Constructing Interfaces 2
2002-12-29 -- Andy Ireland
Newsgroups: comp.lang.clarion This is how you would go about converting the Interface.... IItem interface(IDispatch),com get_Title procedure(*long bstrTitle),HRESULT put_Title procedure(long rhs),HRESULT get_ID procedure(*long ID),HRESULT .... .... end The property methods are typically called get / set methods. IDispatch is as follows.... IDispatch interface(IUnknown),com GetTypeInfoCount procedure(*long pctinfo),HRESULT GetTypeInfo procedure(long iTInfo, | long lcid, | long ppTInfo),HRESULT GetIDsOfNames procedure(long riid, | long prgszNames, | long cNames, | long lcid, | long prgDispId),HRESULT Invoke procedure(long dispIdMember, long riid, | long lcid, | long wFlags, | long pDispParams, | long pVarResult, | long pExcepInfo, | *long uArgErr),HRESULT end and IUnknown is .... IUnknown interface,com QueryInterface procedure(long riid, *long pvObject),long AddRef procedure,long,proc Release procedure,long,proc end But you must determine whether you can get the raw address first. I think Jim Kane has shown how to do this in the past. Regards Andy Plugware Solutions.com Ltd, taking the puzzle out of I.T Tel : +44 1249 813335 Fax : +44 1249 813462

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