` Compile directives to indicate version (Also) - Icetips Article
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Clarion 6: Compile directives to indicate version
2003-02-10 -- Also
Hello, > Why not add a new compile directive that contains the actual version (or > is that a ? for Alexey)? How such value can help you? For C60 specific code you can use _C60_. If, suppose, compiler provides _C60Only_ as TRUE and _C55Only_ as FALSE, how you can use them for C55 specific code? In fact, _CXXOnly_ is a program flag, not the compiler flag, and hence the program must set it. > That way we could check for _c60_ and then reliably > use this new compile directive if it is true. Add following line just after the PROGRAM statement: _C55Only_ EQUATE(_C55_ - _C60_) and use this symbol in OMIT or COMPILE directives if you need C55 specific code. Alexey Solovjev

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