` Printing manuals cheap (Mark Riffey) - Icetips Article
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Reports, Printing, Printers: Printing manuals cheap
2003-12-31 -- Mark Riffey
Newsgroups: sv.clarion.documentation A number of people have emailed me asking where we get the perfect bound, on-demand, small lot publishing done that I referred to. http://www.trafford.com/ is the main company, but IMO you want to go to http://www.ondemandmanuals.com and deal with them that way. You can order as many or as few as you want. We order a case at a time because thats simply easier for us (we ship with other stuff, you can drop ship IIRC). Your customers can order on the web site as well if you want (Positive - John Hickey's company, has stuff in their web store). Mark

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