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Clarion in general: Using Notify to help open multiple docked toolboxes
2004-04-17 -- Jim Gambon
Newsgroups: comp.lang.clarion,softvelocity.clarion.language
> Maybe I'm a bit slow here on a Friday PM, but I'm not seeing how to
> change the code to accomplish what was easily done in C55:
Here are some step. You are right, it was much easier in C55, and if they
add some MDI Open syncronization code to the RTL you won't have to do this.
This, however, is what Windows "Event Driven Programming" is all about, and
I guess we have been spoiled . Still, that's why we use a higher level
"business" language like Clarion, instead of "C".
The trick is to have each toolbox tell the frame it is open, and it's OK to
start another toolbox.
1) In the apps Global data set up a LONG to hold the AppFrame Thread, and an
equate to be the Notify code. Like this:
glo:AppFrameThread LONG
Notify:ToolBoxStart EQUATE(1) ! It doesn't have to be "1"
2) In the frame procedure set up a local variable to be ToolBox start
switch, and initialize it to zero. Also, set up a variable to hold the
received Notify Code:
ToolboxSwitch LONG(0)
ReceivedNotify LONG
3) In the Event:OpenWindow handler of the Frame set the AppFrameThread
value, and send a notify to the frame to start a toolbox. Like this:
glo:AppFrameThread = THREAD()
4) In the Event handler for the window set up a handler for the EVENT:Notify
that increments the ToolBoxSwtich, tests the value of the ToolBoxSwitch, and
starts a toolbox. Like this:
IF ReceivedNotify = Notify:ToolBoxStart
ToolboxSwitch +=1
CASE ToolboxSwitch
OF 1
IF L:ReportToolbar
OF 2
IF L:StoreroomToolbar
POST(EVENT:Accepted,?L:StoreroomToolbar) END
OF 3
IF L:ApplicantToolbar
OF 4
IF L:FinanceToolbar
OF 5
IF L:ReceptionToolbar
OF 6
IF L:RoomToolbar
! NOP - We are done
5) In the Event:OpenWindow handler of each toolbox tell the Frame it has
started. When the AppFrame receives this message it will increment the
ToolBoxSwitch, and start another toolbox. Like this:
You can extend this idea by saving the toolbox thread numbers and letting
the AppFrame tell the toolbox to do certain thing (like refresh, or close,
or whatever.)
Good luck with it. Let me know if this was clear, and actually helps out.
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