` Popup menu font styles 3 (Carl Barnes) - Icetips Article
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Clarion in general: Popup menu font styles 3
2003-03-15 -- Carl Barnes
Newsgroups: sv.clarion.documentation On Thu, Mar 13 2003 1:14 pm, Bob Foreman said: >On Thu, Mar 13 2003, mark goldberg said: >>Is PROP:FontStyle support in the popup command intentionally not documented? >>!see comp.lang.clarion 11/16 response to 11/15/2001 thread "Bold an item in >>a popup" >> >Sorry, Mark....I don't go back that far with postings. What exactly does it say? > > > >>Also, is it possible to have one item have BOTH an icon, and a >>prop:FontStyle? >> > >Perhaps combining both clauses... > >POPUP('[' & PROP:Icon & '(MyIco.ICO)][' & PROP:FontStyle & 'Bold]MenuChoice') > >it should work. You combine multiple props inside the [ ] splitting with comma's. There are a bunch of properties, your Dev team can give you all of them. I only know the dozen I've discuovered. This is currently NOT supported by the ABC Popup manager, only Prop:Icon. In the Docs you may want to note that if you use an Icon you cannot use a Checkmark. If you're using an ICON then putting [] at the front of non-icon lines helps with alignment. This can be seen in ABPOPUP and its "NewStyle" flag. These extened properties are not supported by the ABC POPUP manager. It could be changed but then it becomes a question of how much they are supported. Does Mimic read them? Does the Toolbox try to use them? I would say NO to both those answers. Just parse them into the queue and put them back into the POPUP string, same as Icon is handled. Also it's hard to get a good looking POPUP with properties unless you have a preview tool like CWA. Can take a bunch of compiles. Example: EXECUTE POPUP('['& PROP:FontName &'(Arial),'& PROP:FontSize &'(12),'& PROP:FontStyle &'(4796),'& PROP:FontColor &'('& COLOR:Blue &')]Arial Bold Italic Blue ' & | '|['& PROP:Icon &'(~your.ico),'& PROP:FontStyle &'('& Font:Bold &')]Icon Bold ' & | '|['& PROP:FontColor &'('& COLOR:Blue &'),'& PROP:FillColor &'('& COLOR:Aqua &'),'& PROP:SelectedColor &'('& COLOR:Red &'),31996(32896)]All 4 colors set ' & | '|[]A Plain Item' & | '') BEGIN ; END ! # 1 Arial Bold Italic Blue BEGIN ; END ! # 2 Icon Bold BEGIN ; END ! # 3 All 4 colors set BEGIN ; END ! # 4 A Plain Item ELSE ASSERT(0,'POPUP exceeded') END !EXECUTE Popup

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