` Add scroll wheel support to Icetips Previewer (David S Beggs) - Icetips Article
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OOP: Add scroll wheel support to Icetips Previewer
2004-11-30 -- David S Beggs
Newsgroups: softvelocity.clarion.third_party Due to time constraints, I am not going to be able to make a class out of this at the moment. Just back from 2 weeks off and a pile on my desk a mile high. Here is the code I use to add wheel mouse support and "MS Word" like scrolling to Arnor's Previewer. It even makes a "tick" sound when pages are scrolled using the attached file, which belongs in the application folder. If you would like to see it in action, deonlad a demo copy of DOS Printer and preview a text file. www.dsbglobal.com/dosprinter The limitation is that if you open 2 or more previewer windows at once, mouse support only works for the most recently opened instance. You need to subclass the window, not the client area, and check for wm mousewheel event. Instructions follow. Cheers! Dave Beggs Copy the attachment into your app folder. EDITOR NOTE: I have not included this attachment. It is a wav file that plays a tick when the wheel scrolls. I have commented out the code that uses it. -------------------------------------------------------- 1. This code in Global Data Savedproc1 LONG MyPreviewewrThread LONG -------------------------------------------------------- 2. This code inside Global Map SubClassProc(unsigned, unsigned, unsigned,long),long,pascal Module('api') CallWindowProc(long,unsigned, unsigned, unsigned,long),long,pascal,name('callwindowprocA') End MODULE('WINAPI') dbPlaySound(*cstring,UNSIGNED),BOOL,PROC,pascal,raw,NAME('sndPlaySoundA') END -------------------------------------------------------- 3. This Code in Global Program Procedures SubClassProc procedure(unsigned hwnd,unsigned msg1, unsigned wparam,long lparam) Code If msg1=115H !wm vscroll ! for windows 95 Post(event:user+1,,MyPreviewerThread) End If msg1= 522 !wm mousewheel If wparam > 0 Post(event:user+2,,MyPreviewerThread) End If wparam < 0 Post(event:user+3,,MyPreviewerThread) End End Return callwindowproc(savedproc1, hwnd, msg1, wparam, lparam) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- then, in the previwer procedure ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Firstly, define !dbsoundfile as a cstring(255) dbint as an unsigned then ... 1. This code after opening window savedproc1 = 0{prop:wndProc} MyPreviewerthread = Thread() 0{prop:wndProc} = Address(SubClassProc) !dbsoundfile = 'tick.wav' dbint = 1 -------------------------------------------------------- 2. I added 2 procedure routines ScrollUpabit ROUTINE Data NewS LONG Code NewS = ITPreviewWindow{Prop:VScrollPos} - 50 If ITP:CurrentPage > 1 If ITP:ClientAreaWidth < (ITP:ImageHeight * (ITP:ZoomValue/100)) If NewS > 0 ITPreviewWindow{Prop:VScrollPos} = NewS Else ITP:CurrentPage -= 1 !dbplaysound(dbsoundfile,dbint) Do DrawPage ITPreviewWindow{Prop:VScrollPos} = 255 End Else ITP:CurrentPage -= 1 !dbplaysound(dbsoundfile,dbint) Do DrawPage End Else ITPreviewWindow{Prop:VScrollPos} = 0 End ScrollDownabit ROUTINE Data NewS LONG Code NewS = ITPreviewWindow{Prop:VScrollPos} + 50 If ITP:CurrentPage < ITP:TotalPages If ITP:ClientAreaWidth < (ITP:ImageHeight * (ITP:ZoomValue/100)) If NewS < 255 ITPreviewWindow{Prop:VScrollPos} = NewS Else ITP:CurrentPage += 1 !dbplaysound(dbsoundfile,dbint) Do DrawPage ITPreviewWindow{Prop:VScrollPos} = 0 End Else ITP:CurrentPage += 1 !dbplaysound(dbsoundfile,dbint) Do DrawPage End Else ITPreviewWindow{Prop:VScrollPos} = 255 End -------------------------------------------------------- 3. This code in the accept loop (I've got it at the bottom just under your "resizing" embed code If Event() = event:user+1 If ITPreviewWindow{prop:vscrollpos} = 255 If ITP:CurrentPage < ITP:TotalPages If ITP:ClientAreaWidth < (ITP:ImageHeight * (ITP:ZoomValue/100)) If ITPreviewWindow{Prop:VScrollPos} < 255 ITPreviewWindow{Prop:VScrollPos} = 255 Else ITP:CurrentPage += 1 Do DrawPage ITPreviewWindow{Prop:VScrollPos} = 2 End Else ITP:CurrentPage += 1 Do DrawPage End Else ITPreviewWindow{Prop:VScrollPos} = 255 End End If ITPreviewWindow{prop:vscrollpos} = 0 If ITP:CurrentPage > 1 If ITP:ClientAreaWidth < (ITP:ImageHeight * (ITP:ZoomValue/100)) If ITPreviewWindow{Prop:VScrollPos} > 0 ITPreviewWindow{Prop:VScrollPos} = 0 Else ITP:CurrentPage -= 1 Do DrawPage ITPreviewWindow{Prop:VScrollPos} = 254 End Else ITP:CurrentPage -= 1 Do DrawPage End Else ITPreviewWindow{Prop:VScrollPos} = 0 End End End If Event() = event:user+2 Do SCROLLUPABIT End If Event() = event:user+3 Do SCROLLdownABIT End -------------------------------------------------------- 4. I alerted upkey and downkey for the window and replaced your elert code with this: Case KeyCode() Of PgUpKey Do ScrollUpPage Of PgDnKey Do ScrollDownPage Of UpKey Do ScrollUpabit Of DownKey Do ScrollDownabit End -------------------------------------------------------- (Dr) David S. Beggs BVSc MVS Warrnambool Veterinary Clinic

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