` Use Word for spellchecking (Peter Halbert) - Icetips Article
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OLE/ActiveX: Use Word for spellchecking
2005-10-12 -- Peter Halbert
Newsgroups: softvelocity.clarion.third_party >How can I use Word to spell check memo fields? Paste the the pocedure below and call it like this: MyTable:MyField=ENTMSWordSpell(MyTable:MyField) or ?MyControl{PROP:Text}=ENTMSWordSpell(?MyControl{PROP:Text}) it's designed to return the original passed text if no changes or cancel is selected. That way you don;t have to worry about checking for cancel etc... I've been using this for a bout 2 years, it works great. I use it with entries, text, rftcontrol, FileExploreHTMLControl - onlt trouble with HTML is the tags ENTMSWordSpell PROCEDURE (STRING pText) ! Declare Procedure WordID Signed Code pText = ENTFindReplace(pText, '<13,10>', '<13>') ! Replace CR/LF with just CR WordID = CREATE(0,CREATE:Ole) WordID{PROP:Create} = 'Word.Document' WordID{PROP:DoVerb} = -3 WordID{'Application.Visible'} = False !Word has tendancy to popup, this helps to keep it down WordID{'Application.Documents.Add' } WordID{'Application.Selection.Text'} = pText WordID{'Application.Visible'} = False WordID{'Application.ActiveDocument.CheckGrammar' } WordID{'Application.Visible'} = False ! Trap cancel (This code sucks and needs to be redone - ! works in mostsituations, but has issues) If WordID{'Application.Selection.Characters.Count'} > 1 pText = WordID{'Application.Selection.Text'} WordID{'Application.Visible'} = False End ! Trap cancel END WordID{'Application.ActiveDocument.Close(0)'} WordID{'Application.Visible'} = False WordID{'Application.Close' } WordID{'Application.Visible'} = False WordID{PROP:DeActivate} Destroy(WordID) pText = ENTFindReplace(pText & ALL(' ', 2000), '<13>', '<13,10>') ! Set them back - replace CR with CR/LF combination (the extra 2K ! are for linefeed characters, just in case) Return CLIP(pText)

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