` Using Views in a procedure to retrieve data (Erik Pepping) - Icetips Article
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SQL Related Articles: Using Views in a procedure to retrieve data
2004-08-21 -- Erik Pepping
Newsgroups: sv.clarion.bugreports > Anyone willing to share a couple of view statements??? the one in the > example aint cuttin the mustard.... i want to select records from a field > that is a string.... > > something like this one.... > > select * > from inventory > where status = 'A' and releasenumber > 0 We are using a make Sql function for this. This function returns your Select field21,field 2 from a file you pass it. We inspect the file lables for this. here is the code. (part of our connection class, commercially available, contains many more functions!) Connection.MakeSql Procedure(*FILE In_file, String in_where,Byte in_perform_next, , ) NumLabels Short i Short Sql Cstring(5000) Label Cstring(50) Fieldsingroup Ushort TableName CString(62) FileRecord &Group Code TableName = in_file{Prop:Name} If Instring('.', TableName,1,1) TableName = TableName[Instring('.', TableName,1,1) + 1 : Len(TableName)] end Numlabels = in_file{prop:fields} FileRecord &= In_File{Prop:Record} Loop i = 1 To Numlabels Label = Who(FileRecord,i) If fieldsingroup <> 0 FieldsIngroup = fieldsingroup - 1 Cycle End If in_file{Prop:Type,i} = 'GROUP' If in_file{Prop:Over,i} <> 0 fieldsInGroup = in_file{PROP:Fields,I} End Cycle End If in_file{Prop:Over,i} <> 0 Cycle ! Over some field End If Instring(':',Label,1,1) <> 0 Label = Clip(Sub(Label,InString(':',Label,1,1)+1,255)) End If Instring('|',Label,1,1) <> 0 Label = Clip(Sub(Label,1,InString('|',Label,1,1)-1)) End Sql = Sql & ',' & TableName & '.' & Label end If Size(Sql) > 2 If AddDistinct = 1 SQL = 'SELECT DISTINCT ' & Sql [2: Size(Sql)] Else Sql = 'SELECT ' & Sql [2: Size(Sql)] End End If in_from = '' SQL = Sql & ' FROM ' & in_file{Prop:Name} Else SQL = Sql & ' FROM ' & Clip(in_from) End If in_where <> '' SQl = SQL & ' WHERE ' & in_where End If In_Perform_next = 2 Message(Sql) ! Hidden debug option End If in_perform_next <> 0 in_file{prop:sql} = Sql If ErrorCode() Message('ConOracle.MakeSql Failed 1:' & Error() & Clip(Fileerror()) &| Sql & '| Length = ' & len(Clip(Sql)) ) SetClipboard(sql) Return(0) End Next(in_file) If ErrorCode() If ErrorCode() = 35 or ErrorCode() = 33 Return(0) Else Message('ConOracle.MakeSql Next Failed:' & Error() &| Clip(Fileerror()) & Sql & '| Length = ' & len(Clip(Sql)) ) SetClipboard(sql) Return(0) End Else Return(1) End Else in_file{prop:sql} = Sql If ErrorCode() Message('ConOracle.MakeSql Failed 2:' & Error() & Clip(Fileerror()) & Sql) SetClipboard(sql) Return(0) Else Return(1) End End Return(1)

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