` Save screenshot of web page (Menno De Ruiter) - Icetips Article
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Windows API: Save screenshot of web page
2006-04-13 -- Menno De Ruiter
Editors note: This contains over 800 lines of code, most of which are commented out. Some lines are long and may break. This is posted as is and no editing or testing/verification of the code has been made. >I want to scale down a web page (determined by a URL) and display it as an >image on a Clarion control of some sort - maybe I am dreaming ! .. in combination with Capesoft FileExplorer i use this.. MakeDC Routine Data TV Group,pre(),Dim(2) TV_X long TV_Y long TV_R ushort TV_G ushort TV_B ushort TV_A ushort End RV Group,pre() RV_X ULong RV_Y ULong End returnval long Code barsSheet_BkGndDCHnd = GetWindowDC(ThisIEWin{Prop:Handle}) TBar_BkGndDCHnd = CreateCompatibleDC(barsSheet_BkGndDCHnd) R# = ReleaseDC(ThisIEWin{Prop:Handle},barsSheet_BkGndDCHnd) X# = SetMapMode(TBar_BkGndDCHnd,MM_TEXT) TBar_BFH.TBar_BFHType = 19778 TBar_BFH.TBar_BFHSize = 0 TBar_BFH.TBar_BFHReserved1 = 0 TBar_BFH.TBar_BFHReserved2 = 0 TBar_BFH.TBar_BFHOffBits = 54 TBar_BIH.TBar_BIHSize = Size(TBar_BIH) TBar_BIH.TBar_BIHWidth = ?feControl{Prop:Width} - 20 TBar_BIH.TBar_BIHHeight = TotalPages * 800 TBar_BIH.TBar_BIHPlanes = 1 TBar_BIH.TBar_BIHBitCount = 24 TBar_BIH.TBar_BIHCompression = 0 TBar_BIH.TBar_BIHSizeImage = 0 TBar_BIH.TBar_BIHXPelsPerMeter = 0 TBar_BIH.TBar_BIHYPelsPerMeter = 0 TBar_BIH.TBar_BIHClrUsed = 0 TBar_BIH.TBar_BIHClrImportant = 0 TBar_DIBSectionHnd = CreateDIBSection(TBar_BkGndDCHnd,Address(TBar_BIH),0,Address(TBar_Ptr_DIBits),0,0) ReturnVal = SelectObject(TBar_BkGndDCHnd,TBar_DIBSectionHnd) ...and something like this in the time (look at the bitblt) !!! If IndexFilesFromProxyFilesBOOL = True !!! Do IndexFilesFromProxyFilesLOOP !!! End !If GoPrn = True If SendStop = True SendStop = False ThisViewer2.Stop() End If TotalPages <> 3 TotalPages = 3 End If DoBitBlt = False Case StartPrinting Of 1 SavedPage = False CurrentPage = 0 Do MakeDC StartPrinting = 2 CurrentPage = 1 NewPage = CurrentPage Of TotalPages Do SaveDC StartPrinting = 0 CurrentPage = 0 SavedPage = True NewPage = CurrentPage ThisIEWin{Prop:YPos} = DefaultY Else If StartPrinting > 0 And StartPrinting < TotalPages HeightNow = 800 ! Execute CurrentPage ThisIEWin{Prop:YPos} = DefaultY ! ThisIEWin{Prop:YPos} = DefaultY-(HeightNow*1) ! ThisIEWin{Prop:YPos} = DefaultY-(HeightNow*2) ! ThisIEWin{Prop:YPos} = DefaultY-(HeightNow*3) ! ThisIEWin{Prop:YPos} = DefaultY-(HeightNow*4) ! ThisIEWin{Prop:YPos} = DefaultY-(HeightNow*5) ! ThisIEWin{Prop:YPos} = DefaultY-(HeightNow*6) ! ThisIEWin{Prop:YPos} = DefaultY-(HeightNow*7) ! ThisIEWin{Prop:YPos} = DefaultY-(HeightNow*8) ! ThisIEWin{Prop:YPos} = DefaultY-(HeightNow*9) ! ThisIEWin{Prop:YPos} = DefaultY-(HeightNow*10) ! ThisIEWin{Prop:YPos} = DefaultY-(HeightNow*11) ! ThisIEWin{Prop:YPos} = DefaultY-(HeightNow*12) ! ThisIEWin{Prop:YPos} = DefaultY-(HeightNow*13) ! ThisIEWin{Prop:YPos} = DefaultY-(HeightNow*14) ! ThisIEWin{Prop:YPos} = DefaultY-(HeightNow*15) ! End DoBitBltTimeOut = Clock() + 30 DoBitBlt =True NewPage = CurrentPage End End End If DoBitBlt = True And DoBitBltTimeOut < Clock() And StillLoading = False DoBitBlt = False barsSheet_BkGndDCHnd = GetDC(ThisIEWin{Prop:Handle}) X# = BitBlt(TBar_BkGndDCHnd,0,0,TBar_BIH.TBar_BIHWidth,TBar_BIH.TBar_BIHHeight,barsSheet_BkGndDCHnd,0,0,SRCCOPY) ! Y# = 0 ! C# = 0 ! Loop 18 Times ! C# = C# + 1 ! If C# = (CurrentPage) ! If TBar_BkGndDCHnd <> 0 ! !If CurrentPage = 1 ! ! X# = BitBlt(TBar_BkGndDCHnd,0,(CurrentPage*800)-800-4,TBar_BIH.TBar_BIHWidth-8,800,barsSheet_BkGndDCHnd,0,(CurrentPage*800)-800-4,SRCCOPY) ! !Else ! X# = BitBlt(TBar_BkGndDCHnd,0,0,TBar_BIH.TBar_BIHWidth,TBar_BIH.TBar_BIHHeight,barsSheet_BkGndDCHnd,0,0,SRCCOPY) ! !End ! PrintScreened = PrintScreened + 1 ! Else ! message('dc error') ! End ! Break ! End ! End R# = ReleaseDC(ThisIEWin{Prop:Handle},barsSheet_BkGndDCHnd) StartPrinting = StartPrinting + 1 CurrentPage = CurrentPage + 1 End If NewSiteNumber > 0 If NewSiteNumber <> OldSiteNumber OldSiteNumber = NewSiteNumber Scanned = False !?ListQSites{Prop:Selected} = NewSiteNumber Get(QSites,NewSiteNumber) ! Sit:Number = QSit:Number ! Share(Sites) ! Get(Sites,Sit:IX_Sites_Number) ! !Sit:IX_Sites_URL ! TheFolderNow = Clip(Sit:URL) ! !Do cBulletinCreate2 URL2Go = Clip(QSit:URL) Change(?fePath, URL2Go) ThisViewer2.Load (URL2Go) ThisViewer2.fe_Path = Clip(URL2Go) StillLoading = True End End !End ! If ScreenPrinted = False ! If ScreenPrintTimeOut < Clock() ! ScreenPrinted = True ! Do PrintScreenIE ! End ! End !! If RetrieveFileData = True ! SearchString = '.js' ! !G = 0 ! Loop 1 Times ! G = G + 1 ! If G > 1000 ! StartRetrieveFileData = 0 ! Break ! End ! Get(QTasks,G) ! ! Dos64kFileName = URL2Go ! ! Share(Dos64kFile) ! Set(Dos64kFile) ! ! Clear(ReadData) ! T# = 1 ! S# = Bytes(Dos64kFile) ! Loop ! Next(Dos64kFile) ! If Errorcode() <> 0 ! ef# = True ! End ! ReadData[T# : T# + 64000 -1] = Dos64kPre:Line ! If ef# = True ! break ! End ! T# = T# + 64000 ! If T# + 64000 > Size(ReadData) then break. ! End ! ! QFFiles:QSitesNumber = QSit:Number ! !!!! QFFiles:FileAndPathName = Clip(Left(QFFiles:FileAndPathName)) !! QSit:Number = QFFiles:QSitesNumber !! Get(QSites,+QSit:Number) ! ! ! V# = False ! P = 0 ! l2# = len(clip(ReadData)) ! L = Len(clip(SearchString)) ! Loop ! P = P + 1 ! If P > l2# ! Break ! End ! If Lower(Clip(SearchString)) = Lower(ReadData[P : P + L-1]) ! QFFiles:FileAndPathName = '' ! P2# = P + L - 1 ! Loop ! P2# = P2# - 1 ! If P2# = 0 then break. ! If ReadData[P2#] = '"' Or ReadData[P2#] = '''' Or ReadData[P2#] = '=' ! QFFiles:FileAndPathName = ReadData[P2# +1 : P + L-1] ! Break ! End ! End ! ! ! !!! P2# = Len(Clip(QFFiles:FileAndPathName)) + 1 !!! Loop !!! P2# = P2# - 1 !!! If P2# = 0 !!! Break !!! End !!! If QFFiles:FileAndPathName[P2#] = '/' !!! Break !!! End !!! End !!! !!!! S# = 0 !!!! Loop !!!! S# = S# + 1 !!!! If S# > len(clip(QFFiles:FolderName)) then break. !!!! If Lower(QSit:URL[1 : S#]) <> Lower(QFFiles:FileAndPathName[1 : S#]) !!!! Break !!!! End !!!! End !!!! If S# > 1 !!!! QFFiles:FileAndPathName = QFFiles:FileAndPathName[S# : Size(QFFiles:FileAndPathName)] !!!! End !!! !!! !!! QFFiles:FileName = '' !!! QFFiles:FolderName = '' !!! If P2# > 1 !!! QFFiles:FileName = QFFiles:FileAndPathName[P2# + 1 : Size(QFFiles:FileAndPathName)] !!! QFFiles:FolderName = QFFiles:FileAndPathName[1 : P2# -1] !!! Else !!! QFFiles:FileName = QFFiles:FileAndPathName !!! End !!! !!! QFFiles:QSitesNumber = QTasks:ForumNumber !!!!! QFFiles:FileAndPathName = Clip(Left(QFFiles:FileAndPathName)) !!! QSit:Number = QFFiles:QSitesNumber !!! Get(QSites,+QSit:Number) ! ! ! QFFiles:URL = QSit:URL ! If Lower(QFFiles:URL[1 : 11]) <> 'http://www.' ! If Lower(QFFiles:FileAndPathName[1 : 11]) = 'http://www.' ! QFFiles:FileAndPathName = 'http://' & QFFiles:FileAndPathName[12 : Size(QFFiles:FileAndPathName)] ! End ! End ! If Lower(QFFiles:FileAndPathName[1 : 7]) <> 'http://' ! QFFiles:FileAndPathName = Clip(QSit:URL) & Clip(QFFiles:FileAndPathName) ! End !! If QFFiles:FileAndPathName[1 : 2] = '//' !! QFFiles:FileAndPathName = QFFiles:FileAndPathName[ 2 : Size(QFFiles:FileAndPathName)] !! End ! If QFFiles:FileAndPathName[1] = '/' ! QFFiles:FileAndPathName = QFFiles:FileAndPathName[ 3 : Size(QFFiles:FileAndPathName)] ! End ! If QFFiles:FileAndPathName[1 : 3] = '../' ! QFFiles:FileAndPathName = QFFiles:FileAndPathName[ 4 : Size(QFFiles:FileAndPathName)] ! End ! If QFFiles:FileAndPathName[1 : 2] = '..' ! QFFiles:FileAndPathName = QFFiles:FileAndPathName[ 3 : Size(QFFiles:FileAndPathName)] ! End ! ! ! P# = 8 ! L# = Len(Clip(QFFiles:FileAndPathName)) ! Loop ! P# = P# + 1 ! If (P# + 1) > L# ! break ! End ! If QFFiles:FileAndPathName[P# : P# + 1] = '//' ! QFFiles:FileAndPathName = QFFiles:FileAndPathName[1 : P#] & QFFiles:FileAndPathName[P# + 2 : Size(QFFiles:FileAndPathName)] ! P# = 8 ! End ! End ! ! ! !!! !!! Get(QFFiles,QFFiles:QSitesNumber,QFFiles:FileAndPathName) !!! F# = False !!! If QFFiles:FileAndPathName[1 : 3] = '../' !!! QFFiles:FileAndPathName = Clip(QSit:URL) & Clip(QFFiles:FileAndPathName[4 : Size(QFFiles:FileAndPathName)]) !!! F# = True !!! End !!! If QFFiles:FileAndPathName[1] = '/' !!! QFFiles:FileAndPathName = Clip(QSit:URL) & Clip(QFFiles:FileAndPathName[2 : Size(QFFiles:FileAndPathName)]) !!! F# = True !!! End !!! !!! !!!!!! If F# = False !!!!!! If lower(QFFiles:FileAndPathName[1 : 4]) <> 'http' !!!!!! QFFiles:FileAndPathName = Clip(QSit:URL) & Clip(QFFiles:FileAndPathName[1 : Size(QFFiles:FileAndPathName)]) !!!!!! F# = True !!!!!! End !!!!!! End !!!! If Clip(Lower(QTasks:Folder)) = Lower(QFFiles:FolderName[1 : len(clip(QTasks:Folder))]) !!!! QFFiles:FolderName = QFFiles:FolderName[len(clip(QTasks:Folder)) + 1 : Size(QFFiles:FolderName) ] !!!! End !!! !!! ! S# = 0 ! Loop ! S# = S# + 1 ! If S# > len(clip(QFFiles:FileAndPathName)) then break. ! If Lower(QSit:URL[1 : S#]) <> Lower(QFFiles:FileAndPathName[1 : S#]) ! Break ! End ! End ! If S# > 1 ! QFFiles:FolderName = QFFiles:FileAndPathName[S# : Size(QFFiles:FileAndPathName)] ! End ! ! ! ! ! P2# = Len(Clip(QFFiles:FolderName)) + 1 ! Loop ! P2# = P2# - 1 ! If P2# = 0 ! Break ! End ! If QFFiles:FolderName[P2#] = '/' ! Break ! End ! End ! QFFiles:FileName = '' ! If P2# > 1 ! QFFiles:FileName = QFFiles:FolderName[P2# + 1 : Size(QFFiles:FolderName)] ! QFFiles:FolderName = QFFiles:FolderName[1 : P2# -1] ! Else ! QFFiles:FileName = QFFiles:FolderName ! QFFiles:FolderName = '' ! End ! ! ! L# = Len(Clip(QSit:URL)) ! ! If Lower(QSit:URL[1 : L#]) = Lower(QFFiles:FileAndPathName[1 : L#]) ! Get(QFFiles,QFFiles:QSitesNumber,QFFiles:FileAndPathName) ! If Errorcode() <> 0 ! QFFiles:Number = QFFiles:Number + 1 !! If QFFiles:FileAndPathName[1:4] = 'http' ! QFFiles:URL = QFFiles:FileAndPathName !! Else !! QFFiles:URL = Clip(QSit:URL) & '/' & QFFiles:FileAndPathName !! End ! Add(QFFiles,+QFFiles:QSitesNumber,+QFFiles:FileAndPathName) ! !!!! ForTas:Number = ForTas:NumberMax + 1 !!!! ForTas:Number = ForTas:NumberMax !!!! ForTas:ToDo = True !!!! ForTas:Doing = 0 !!!! ForTas:Done = 0 !!!! ForTas:Failed = 0 !!!! ForTas:Pending = 0 !!!! ForTas:Started = 0 !!!! ForTas:Succeeded = 0 !!!! ForTas:ToTwa = 0 !!!! ForTas:Deployed = 0 !!!! ForTas:IE = 0 !!!! ForTas:IECustom = 0 !!!! ForTas:NW = True !!!! ForTas:NWCustom = 0 !!!! ForTas:ForumNumber = Sit:Number !!!! !!!! ForTas:FileName = QFFiles:FileName !!!! ForTas:PROXYFileName = QFFiles:FileName !!!! !!!!! Clear(InterString512) !!!!! Clear(ForURL) !!!!! !!!!!! ForTas:FileName = 'index.php' !!!!!! ForTas:PROXYFileName = 'index.htm' !!!!! !!!!! Sit:URL = Clip(Sit:URL) !!!!! ForURL = Sit:URL !!!!! !!!!! !!!!! P# = 0 !!!!! TP# = 1 !!!!! Loop Len(Clip(ForURL)) Times !!!!! P# = P# + 1 !!!!! If Val(ForURL[P#]) = 32 !!!!! InterString512[TP#] = Chr(32) !!!!! TP# = TP# + 1 !!!!! Cycle !!!!! End !!!!! If Val(UPPER(ForURL[P#])) >= 65 And Val(UPPER(ForURL[P#])) =< 90 !!!!! InterString512[TP#] = ForURL[P#] !!!!! TP# = TP# + 1 !!!!! Else !!!!! If Val(UPPER(ForURL[P#])) >= 30h And Val(UPPER(ForURL[P#])) =< 39h !!!!! InterString512[TP#] = ForURL[P#] !!!!! TP# = TP# + 1 !!!!! Else !!!!! InterString512[TP#] = '_' !!!!! TP# = TP# + 1 !!!!! End !!!!! End !!!!! End !!!!! N" = Format(ForTas:ForumNumber,@N08) !!!! !!!! ForTas:Folder = QTasks:Folder & '/' & QFFiles:FolderName !!!! ForTas:Parameters = '' !!!! ForTas:FunctionName = 'RetrieveToProxy' !!!! ForTas:PostURL = Clip(Sit:URL) & '/' & QFFiles:FolderName !!!! ForTas:InstructionLine = '' !Clip(ForTas:FunctionName) & '(' & Clip(Sit:URL) & Clip(ForTas:FileName) & ',' & DRIVE & ':\Proxy\' & Clip(ForTas:Folder) & '\' & Clip(ForTas:FileName) & ')' !!!! Add(Forum_Tasks) !!!! Cycle !!!! End !!!! Flush(Forum_Tasks) !!!! Message('done') !!!! !!!! ! ! ! End ! Else ! Cycle ! End ! End ! End ! ! Close(Dos64kFile) ! End ! End ! ! ! End ! If StartRetrieveFileData = True ! SearchString = '.js' ! !G = 0 ! Loop 1 Times ! G = G + 1 ! If G > 1000 ! StartRetrieveFileData = 0 ! Break ! End ! Get(QTasks,G) ! ! Dos64kFileName = DRIVE & ':\Proxy\' & Clip(QTasks:Folder) & '\' & Clip(QTasks:PROXYFileName) ! ! Share(Dos64kFile) ! Set(Dos64kFile) ! ! Clear(ReadData) ! T# = 1 ! S# = Bytes(Dos64kFile) ! Loop ! Next(Dos64kFile) ! If Errorcode() <> 0 ! ef# = True ! End ! ReadData[T# : T# + 64000 -1] = Dos64kPre:Line ! If ef# = True ! break ! End ! T# = T# + 64000 ! If T# + 64000 > Size(ReadData) then break. ! End ! ! QFFiles:QSitesNumber = QTasks:ForumNumber !!! QFFiles:FileAndPathName = Clip(Left(QFFiles:FileAndPathName)) ! QSit:Number = QFFiles:QSitesNumber ! Get(QSites,+QSit:Number) ! ! ! V# = False ! P = 0 ! l2# = len(clip(ReadData)) ! L = Len(clip(SearchString)) ! Loop ! P = P + 1 ! If P > l2# ! Break ! End ! If Lower(Clip(SearchString)) = Lower(ReadData[P : P + L-1]) ! QFFiles:FileAndPathName = '' ! P2# = P + L - 1 ! Loop ! P2# = P2# - 1 ! If P2# = 0 then break. ! If ReadData[P2#] = '"' Or ReadData[P2#] = '''' Or ReadData[P2#] = '=' ! QFFiles:FileAndPathName = ReadData[P2# +1 : P + L-1] ! Break ! End ! End ! !!! P2# = Len(Clip(QFFiles:FileAndPathName)) + 1 !!! Loop !!! P2# = P2# - 1 !!! If P2# = 0 !!! Break !!! End !!! If QFFiles:FileAndPathName[P2#] = '/' !!! Break !!! End !!! End !!! !!!! S# = 0 !!!! Loop !!!! S# = S# + 1 !!!! If S# > len(clip(QFFiles:FolderName)) then break. !!!! If Lower(QSit:URL[1 : S#]) <> Lower(QFFiles:FileAndPathName[1 : S#]) !!!! Break !!!! End !!!! End !!!! If S# > 1 !!!! QFFiles:FileAndPathName = QFFiles:FileAndPathName[S# : Size(QFFiles:FileAndPathName)] !!!! End !!! !!! !!! QFFiles:FileName = '' !!! QFFiles:FolderName = '' !!! If P2# > 1 !!! QFFiles:FileName = QFFiles:FileAndPathName[P2# + 1 : Size(QFFiles:FileAndPathName)] !!! QFFiles:FolderName = QFFiles:FileAndPathName[1 : P2# -1] !!! Else !!! QFFiles:FileName = QFFiles:FileAndPathName !!! End !!! !!! QFFiles:QSitesNumber = QTasks:ForumNumber !!!!! QFFiles:FileAndPathName = Clip(Left(QFFiles:FileAndPathName)) !!! QSit:Number = QFFiles:QSitesNumber !!! Get(QSites,+QSit:Number) ! ! ! QFFiles:URL = QSit:URL ! If Lower(QFFiles:URL[1 : 11]) <> 'http://www.' ! If Lower(QFFiles:FileAndPathName[1 : 11]) = 'http://www.' ! QFFiles:FileAndPathName = 'http://' & QFFiles:FileAndPathName[12 : Size(QFFiles:FileAndPathName)] ! End ! End ! If Lower(QFFiles:FileAndPathName[1 : 7]) <> 'http://' ! QFFiles:FileAndPathName = Clip(QSit:URL) & Clip(QFFiles:FileAndPathName) ! End !! If QFFiles:FileAndPathName[1 : 2] = '//' !! QFFiles:FileAndPathName = QFFiles:FileAndPathName[ 2 : Size(QFFiles:FileAndPathName)] !! End ! If QFFiles:FileAndPathName[1] = '/' ! QFFiles:FileAndPathName = QFFiles:FileAndPathName[ 3 : Size(QFFiles:FileAndPathName)] ! End ! If QFFiles:FileAndPathName[1 : 3] = '../' ! QFFiles:FileAndPathName = QFFiles:FileAndPathName[ 4 : Size(QFFiles:FileAndPathName)] ! End ! If QFFiles:FileAndPathName[1 : 2] = '..' ! QFFiles:FileAndPathName = QFFiles:FileAndPathName[ 3 : Size(QFFiles:FileAndPathName)] ! End ! ! ! P# = 8 ! L# = Len(Clip(QFFiles:FileAndPathName)) ! Loop ! P# = P# + 1 ! If (P# + 1) > L# ! break ! End ! If QFFiles:FileAndPathName[P# : P# + 1] = '//' ! QFFiles:FileAndPathName = QFFiles:FileAndPathName[1 : P#] & QFFiles:FileAndPathName[P# + 2 : Size(QFFiles:FileAndPathName)] ! P# = 8 ! End ! End ! ! ! !!! !!! Get(QFFiles,QFFiles:QSitesNumber,QFFiles:FileAndPathName) !!! F# = False !!! If QFFiles:FileAndPathName[1 : 3] = '../' !!! QFFiles:FileAndPathName = Clip(QSit:URL) & Clip(QFFiles:FileAndPathName[4 : Size(QFFiles:FileAndPathName)]) !!! F# = True !!! End !!! If QFFiles:FileAndPathName[1] = '/' !!! QFFiles:FileAndPathName = Clip(QSit:URL) & Clip(QFFiles:FileAndPathName[2 : Size(QFFiles:FileAndPathName)]) !!! F# = True !!! End !!! !!! !!!!!! If F# = False !!!!!! If lower(QFFiles:FileAndPathName[1 : 4]) <> 'http' !!!!!! QFFiles:FileAndPathName = Clip(QSit:URL) & Clip(QFFiles:FileAndPathName[1 : Size(QFFiles:FileAndPathName)]) !!!!!! F# = True !!!!!! End !!!!!! End !!!! If Clip(Lower(QTasks:Folder)) = Lower(QFFiles:FolderName[1 : len(clip(QTasks:Folder))]) !!!! QFFiles:FolderName = QFFiles:FolderName[len(clip(QTasks:Folder)) + 1 : Size(QFFiles:FolderName) ] !!!! End !!! !!! ! S# = 0 ! Loop ! S# = S# + 1 ! If S# > len(clip(QFFiles:FileAndPathName)) then break. ! If Lower(QSit:URL[1 : S#]) <> Lower(QFFiles:FileAndPathName[1 : S#]) ! Break ! End ! End ! If S# > 1 ! QFFiles:FolderName = QFFiles:FileAndPathName[S# : Size(QFFiles:FileAndPathName)] ! End ! ! ! ! ! P2# = Len(Clip(QFFiles:FolderName)) + 1 ! Loop ! P2# = P2# - 1 ! If P2# = 0 ! Break ! End ! If QFFiles:FolderName[P2#] = '/' ! Break ! End ! End ! QFFiles:FileName = '' ! If P2# > 1 ! QFFiles:FileName = QFFiles:FolderName[P2# + 1 : Size(QFFiles:FolderName)] ! QFFiles:FolderName = QFFiles:FolderName[1 : P2# -1] ! Else ! QFFiles:FileName = QFFiles:FolderName ! QFFiles:FolderName = '' ! End ! ! ! L# = Len(Clip(QSit:URL)) ! ! If Lower(QSit:URL[1 : L#]) = Lower(QFFiles:FileAndPathName[1 : L#]) ! Get(QFFiles,QFFiles:QSitesNumber,QFFiles:FileAndPathName) ! If Errorcode() <> 0 ! QFFiles:Number = QFFiles:Number + 1 !! If QFFiles:FileAndPathName[1:4] = 'http' ! QFFiles:URL = QFFiles:FileAndPathName !! Else !! QFFiles:URL = Clip(QSit:URL) & '/' & QFFiles:FileAndPathName !! End ! Add(QFFiles,+QFFiles:QSitesNumber,+QFFiles:FileAndPathName) ! !!!! ForTas:Number = ForTas:NumberMax + 1 !!!! ForTas:Number = ForTas:NumberMax !!!! ForTas:ToDo = True !!!! ForTas:Doing = 0 !!!! ForTas:Done = 0 !!!! ForTas:Failed = 0 !!!! ForTas:Pending = 0 !!!! ForTas:Started = 0 !!!! ForTas:Succeeded = 0 !!!! ForTas:ToTwa = 0 !!!! ForTas:Deployed = 0 !!!! ForTas:IE = 0 !!!! ForTas:IECustom = 0 !!!! ForTas:NW = True !!!! ForTas:NWCustom = 0 !!!! ForTas:ForumNumber = Sit:Number !!!! !!!! ForTas:FileName = QFFiles:FileName !!!! ForTas:PROXYFileName = QFFiles:FileName !!!! !!!!! Clear(InterString512) !!!!! Clear(ForURL) !!!!! !!!!!! ForTas:FileName = 'index.php' !!!!!! ForTas:PROXYFileName = 'index.htm' !!!!! !!!!! Sit:URL = Clip(Sit:URL) !!!!! ForURL = Sit:URL !!!!! !!!!! !!!!! P# = 0 !!!!! TP# = 1 !!!!! Loop Len(Clip(ForURL)) Times !!!!! P# = P# + 1 !!!!! If Val(ForURL[P#]) = 32 !!!!! InterString512[TP#] = Chr(32) !!!!! TP# = TP# + 1 !!!!! Cycle !!!!! End !!!!! If Val(UPPER(ForURL[P#])) >= 65 And Val(UPPER(ForURL[P#])) =< 90 !!!!! InterString512[TP#] = ForURL[P#] !!!!! TP# = TP# + 1 !!!!! Else !!!!! If Val(UPPER(ForURL[P#])) >= 30h And Val(UPPER(ForURL[P#])) =< 39h !!!!! InterString512[TP#] = ForURL[P#] !!!!! TP# = TP# + 1 !!!!! Else !!!!! InterString512[TP#] = '_' !!!!! TP# = TP# + 1 !!!!! End !!!!! End !!!!! End !!!!! N" = Format(ForTas:ForumNumber,@N08) !!!! !!!! ForTas:Folder = QTasks:Folder & '/' & QFFiles:FolderName !!!! ForTas:Parameters = '' !!!! ForTas:FunctionName = 'RetrieveToProxy' !!!! ForTas:PostURL = Clip(Sit:URL) & '/' & QFFiles:FolderName !!!! ForTas:InstructionLine = '' !Clip(ForTas:FunctionName) & '(' & Clip(Sit:URL) & Clip(ForTas:FileName) & ',' & DRIVE & ':\Proxy\' & Clip(ForTas:Folder) & '\' & Clip(ForTas:FileName) & ')' !!!! Add(Forum_Tasks) !!!! Cycle !!!! End !!!! Flush(Forum_Tasks) !!!! Message('done') !!!! !!!! ! ! ! ! End ! Else ! Cycle ! End ! End ! End ! ! Close(Dos64kFile) ! End ! End ! ! and to save the image to disk SaveDC Routine TBar_DIBitsSize = Int((TBar_BIH.TBar_BIHWidth + 3)/4) * 4 * TBar_BIH.TBar_BIHHeight * 4 TBar_DIBits &= New( String(TBar_DIBitsSize) ) TBar_DIBitsPointer = Address(TBar_DIBits) TBar_BMPSize = Size(TBar_BFH) + Size(TBar_BIH) + TBar_DIBitsSize TBar_BMPFile &= NEW(String(TBar_BMPSize)) TBar_BMPPointer = Address(TBar_BMPFile) R# = GetDIBits(TBar_BkGndDCHnd,TBar_DIBSectionHnd,0,TBar_BIH.TBar_BIHHeight,TBar_DIBitsPointer,Address(TBar_BIH),0) TBar_BMPFile[1 : Size(TBar_BFH)] = TBar_BFH TBar_BMPFile[Size(TBar_BFH) + 1 : Size(TBar_BFH) + Size(TBar_BIH)] = TBar_BIH TBar_BMPFile[Size(TBar_BFH) + 1 + Size(TBar_BIH) : Size(TBar_BFH) + Size(TBar_BIH) + TBar_DIBitsSize] = TBar_DIBits[1 : TBar_DIBitsSize] !?Img2{PROP:ImageBits} = TBar_BMPFile[1 : TBar_BMPSize] TheGlobalFile = DRIVE & ':\' & Clip(QSit:ProxyFolderName) & '\' & Format(QSit:ProxyFoldersNumber,@N08) & '.Bmp' L# = Len(Clip(TheGlobalFile)) P# = 1 Loop L# Times If TheGlobalFile[P#] = '/' TheGlobalFile[P#] = '\' End P# = P# + 1 End Dos64kFileName = Clip(TheGlobalFile) Create(Dos64kFile) Share(Dos64kFile) !Send(Dos64kFile,'FILEBUFFERS=10000') k64s# = Int(((Size(TBar_BMPFile))/64000)) P# = 1 Loop k64s# Times Dos64kPre:Line = TBar_BMPFile[P# : P# + 63999] Add(Dos64kFile) P# = P# + 64000 End Close(Dos64kFile) !TheGlobalFile = 'raar' ! DF1bName = Dos64kFileName ! Share(DF1b) ! Send(DF1b,'FILEBUFFERS=10000') ! T# = (Size(TBar_BMPFile))- k64s# ! P = k64s# * 64000 ! Loop T# Times ! P = P + 1 ! Dos1b:Line = Val(TBar_BMPFile[P]) ! Add(DF1b) ! Cycle ! End ! Close(DF1b) R# = DeleteObject(TBar_LogBrushHnd) R# = DeleteObject(TBar_FontHandle) R# = DeleteObject(TBar_DIBSectionHnd) R# = DeleteDC(TBar_BkGndDCHnd) Dispose(TBar_BMPFile) Dispose(TBar_DIBits)

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