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Windows API: Prevent window from appearing on taskbar 2003-05-26 -- Jim Kane Newsgroups: softvelocity.products.c55ee
in theory it should work as long as the window in your dll and the window in
the other application are in the same process which they should be.
But you never know what the CW RTL is up to.
accroding to msdn to prevent a window from appreaging on a tool bar these
are the options. There is also a new window style started with w2k called
ws_ex_noactivate that comes into play. It was not arround when the below
article was written. Making your window a tool window is probably the
easiest or worth a quick try.
you might also want to use spy++ that comes with visual C to just display
all the window styles so you know what your dealing with.
Jim Kane
MsdnHOWTO: Prevent a Window from Appearing on the Taskbar
There are two ways to prevent a window from appearing on the shell's taskbar
and in the task list window that appears when you press ALT+TAB.
a.. Give the window the WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW extended style, and remove the
WS_EX_APPWINDOW style. As a side effect, the window will have a smaller
caption than a normal window.
b.. Give the window the WS_POPUP style and make it owned by a hidden
"Hanspeter Stutz"
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