` Popup menus -- specifying location dynamically (Arnor Baldvinsson ) - Icetips Article
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Par2: Popup menus -- specifying location dynamically
1998-05-15 -- Arnor Baldvinsson
>When I use x and y coordinates to specify the location for a popup menu, >can I make those x and y coordinates refer to my MDI Frame instead of my >desktop? I've hit this problem and solved it. The reason for the odd positioning is that the position for the popup MUST be in pixels, not dialog units. But using pixels is not enough, because popup menus are positioned relative to the screen, not the window. So if you have a popup at 100,100 pixels and your window is not maximized the popup menu will not appear related to where your window is, but at 100,100 from the top left corner of the SCREEN! Now, the solution is very simple and requires one simple api call ClientToScreen. It takes two parameters, the window handle and a pointer to a POINT structure. The Point structure is declared as: POINT GROUP,TYPE X SIGNED Y SIGNED END and the call is prototyped in 16bit: Module('WIN16.LIB') ClientToScreen(HWND, *POINT),PASCAL,RAW End 32 bit: Module('WIN32.LIB') ClientToScreen(HWND, *POINT),PASCAL,RAW End To use it: Loc:Point POINT Loc:Xpos SIGNED Loc:Ypos SIGNED Code Loc:Point.X = ?MyControl{Prop:Xpos} Loc:Point.Y = ?MyControl{Prop:Ypos} If ClientToScreen(Window{Prop:Handle},Loc:Point) Loc:Xpos = Loc:Point.X Loc:Ypos = Loc:Point.Y Else Message('Could not convert client to screen') End I'm going a bit from memory here, but I think this is pretty much all you need to do. I don't remember if I had to set the Window{Prop:Pixels}=True before getting the X/Y positions for the control, seem to recall it worked with DLU too.

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