` EOF() - discussion of proper utilization (Sean Wilson ) - Icetips Article
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Par2: EOF() - discussion of proper utilization
1998-05-18 -- Sean Wilson
Back in the good ol' days of DOS, when single user databases were the norm, the EOF() (and the BOF()) function provides a convenient means of terminating a loop for processing a file, e.g: LOOP UNTIL EOF() NEXT(f) ... END As multi-user systems took over, the use of the EOF() function became problematic. In a nutshell, it is possible for EOF() to return FALSE and yet have the NEXT() file read fail as a result of reading past the end of the file. This can happen when a second station deletes the last record in a file in the time between the first stations calls to EOF() and NEXT(). This isn't the only problem though. In the not too distant past, the behaviour of all the Clarion File Drivers was standardised by converting to use the File Driver Kit. The File Driver Kit attempts to ensure that all supported functions behave identically accross all File Drivers. At this point it was clear that the only safe way to test for an end-of-file condition was to test the result of the NEXT() function, e.g: LOOP NEXT(f) IF ERRORCODE() THEN BREAK END ... END The closely related NEXT(), PREVIOUS(), EOF() and BOF() functions are generally implemented for best performance in this kind of scenario since efficient multi-user operation is required. Furthermore, for reliability each of these functions must attempt a record fetch in order to be sure that a record is available for processing (in pre-CW drivers, EOF() might return the value of a flag). This means that loops patterned after our first example can actually take twice as long to process (and possibly more) than the second example. So as a general rule of thumb, never use EOF() or BOF() to control a loop. In fact, if possible avoid the use of EOF() and BOF() altogether.

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