` Centered multi-line auto-sizing message window (Frank Piscopo ) - Icetips Article
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Par2: Centered multi-line auto-sizing message window
1998-08-01 -- Frank Piscopo
No pun intended - there's no OOP here. What you get is a centered multi-line auto-sizing window in its own thread with ONE call, letting you go on with your work in the background. Call it as many times as you want with different text; as soon as you're ready to let the user know what mischief you've be up to, call it again with a blank string to close it. That simple! Usage examples: Inform('Doing something...<10>Please wait') ! a 2-liner Inform('Doing something else...<10>Boring, I know, but<10>Please wait') ! a 3-liner Inform('') ! closes the message window Inform PROCEDURE(M) MsgText CSTRING(1001),STATIC MsgThread LONG,STATIC State BYTE,STATIC Window WINDOW,AT(,,50,50),FONT('MS Sans Serif',10,,),CENTER,GRAY,DOUBLE END CODE CASE State OF 0 IF M State = 1 MsgText = M MsgThread = START(Inform,,'') ACCEPT IF EVENT() = EVENT:Suspend THEN BREAK. END END OF 1 State = 2 OPEN(Window) DO FormatText ACCEPT IF EVENT() = EVENT:User DO FormatText END END CLEAR(MsgThread) State = 0 OF 2 IF M MsgText = M POST(EVENT:User,,MsgThread) ELSE POST(EVENT:CloseWindow,,MsgThread) END END FormatText ROUTINE DATA c LONG p1 LONG(1) p2 LONG,AUTO w1 LONG,AUTO w2 LONG CODE DESTROY(1,LASTFIELD()) LOOP p2 = INSTRING('<10>',MsgText,,p1) IF p2 c = CREATE(c+1,CREATE:String) c{PROP:Text} = MsgText[p1 : p2-1] w1 = c{PROP:Width} IF w1 > w2 THEN w2 = w1. ELSIF LEN(MsgText) => p1 c = CREATE(c+1,CREATE:String) c{PROP:Text} = MsgText[p1 : LEN(MsgText)] w1 = c{PROP:Width} IF w1 > w2 THEN w2 = w1. END p1 = p2 + 1 WHILE p2 Window{PROP:Width} = w2 + 6 Window{PROP:Height} = c{PROP:Height} * c + 4 Window{PROP:Center} = 1 LOOP c = 1 TO LASTFIELD() SETPOSITION(c,2,2+(c-1)*c{PROP:Height},w2) c{PROP:Center} = 1 c{PROP:Hide} = 0 END I'll try to post a write-up of the principles involved later. Right now, have to dash. Hope you like it.

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