` Multiple sort orders in a report (Dennis Evans ) - Icetips Article
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Par2: Multiple sort orders in a report
1998-12-02 -- Dennis Evans
Everything you need is already included in the ABC classes. You want to change three basic items, sort orders, range limits and filters. Sort order, take a look at the ViewManager class, AddSortOrder. This method uses a key as its parameter, let your user select the key to sort by, then pass the key to the report as a parameter. In the Window Manager init method embed add something like this : ThisReport.AddSortOrder( KeyPassed ) Now your sort order is set on the key the user selected. Note : If you defined the report with a key then add this line ThisReport.SetSort(2) If you set the report up to print in record order then there will only be one sort order, no need to call SetSort. For the filter and range limits, check out the types of parameters these methods use, SetFilter, AddRange, SetSort, AppendSort. Pass those to the report and call the appropriate methods. The example application People, in the sub-dir reports, does this with three drop down list boxes. Normally I call these types of reports from the browse screen, after the user has selected the tab, range, filter etc. With the ABC classes you just about print a report any way you can imagine.

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