` Template to create help file context strings and write to ASCII (Craig Ransom ) - Icetips Article
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Par2: Template to create help file context strings and write to ASCII
1999-03-12 -- Craig Ransom
1. Here's where you can download Help Magician Pro demo version. http://helpmagician.com/demo.htm 2. Data Ferret Templates (They're SHORT) #TEMPLATE(TDFAppHelpTpl,'Data Ferret Applications Help Magician TPL') #!------------------------------------------- #!Run this with app loaded to build .txt file for import to #!HMPro95 #UTILITY(TDFAppHelp,'Data Ferret: Create Help Magician Import File') #DECLARE(%WinTitle) #DECLARE(%ContextID) #SET(%ContextID,1000) #CREATE(%Application & '.txt') #FOR(%Procedure) #IF(%Window) #SET(%WinTitle,EXTRACT(%WindowStatement,'WINDOW',1)) #IF (NOT %WinTitle) #SET(%WinTitle,EXTRACT(%WindowStatement,'APPLICATION',1)) #ENDIF #IF(%WinTitle) #SET(%WinTitle,SUB(%WinTitle,2,LEN(%WinTitle)-2)) #SET(%ContextID,%ContextID+1) \Title: %WinTitle \Context Number: %ContextID \Context String: %Procedure %WinTitle #ENDIF #ENDIF #ENDFOR #CLOSE #!------------------------------------------- #!Add this template at the GLOBAL level of your app to populate to ALL #!procedures!! #EXTENSION(TDFAddHelp,'Data Ferret: Add PROP:Hlp to App'),DESCRIPTION('Data Ferret: Add PROP:Hlp = ~ProcedureName'),FIRST #AT(%BeforeAccept) 0{PROP:Hlp} = '~%Procedure' #ENDAT I checked, there should be no "wrapped" lines! And that's IT. Or THEM as the case may be!

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