` Edit in place: Required fields (Craig Ransom ) - Icetips Article
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Par2: Edit in place: Required fields
1999-08-02 -- Craig Ransom
> I want to check if the value a user has entered in the browse (EIP) is > right, and if so, then I want to fill in some other fields of my table. > This is tricky. Yes, the EIP control's TakeEvent is the proper method, but you have to put it AFTER the PARENT call; you have to PRECEED it with an "UPDATE(SELF.Feq)"; you DON'T use the Level:Benign/Notify/Fatal but the EditAction: equates instead; and you DON'T update the file field, but the BRW.Q field instead! For instance, from a test program, this checks for and disallows a blank field. This is AFTER the PARENT call. UPDATE(SELF.Feq) IF ReturnValue AND ReturnValue <> EditAction:Cancel THEN IF BRW1.Q.File1:Field1 = '' THEN MESSAGE('Field Cannot Be Blank','Field Error',ICON:Exclamation) ReturnValue = EditAction:None END END

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