` Getting started with AS/400 and ODBC (Katherine DuGarm ) - Icetips Article
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Par2: Getting started with AS/400 and ODBC
1999-08-18 -- Katherine DuGarm
I use Windows95 and C4, to connect to an AS/400 using ODBC. I hope that the steps are the same for C5 and C4. Do you currently have a connection to the AS/400? You will need an ODBC Administrator. Instructions for installing the ODBC Administrator can be found at http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/q191/2/27.asp. An ODBC driver is built in to Clarion. You'll need all these layers of ODBC to make the connection. The Clarion ODBC talks to your ODBC Administrator on the Control Panel. The ODBC Administrator on your Control Panel talks to the AS/400. Before starting in Clarion, an AS/400 data source should already be defined in the 32-bit ODBC Data Source Administrator. You'll need to know the library your file is in, not just the file name. If you have the choice, use logical files on the AS/400, so the field names make sense. Import the file definition into your Clarion dictionary. File > Import File, choose ODBC driver, choose the data source, logical files are on the Views tab. I think that you can remove fields from your definition once it has been imported, if you won't need those fields in your application. Compile your application as 32-bit, not 16-bit which is the default.

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